Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hollywood shuffle

Though, which is not still ready I, my upper 10 films of 2007 to present -- I see that blood will soon watch out there this evening and hopeful the landlord for DVD -- the weekly film tuning of the village Voice/LA, does not have such reservations. Is here which on my list up to now is, in no certain order:No country for old MenThe dipping Bell and the ButterflyRatatouilleAway of the HerZodiacThe king of KongInto the WildLake of FireMargot is with the WeddingThis one of the first years in when, which did not know I, what my film #1 by end of the yearly was. Possibly agreeing, this one of my few active film-going years were not in some time. SIFF was practically for me nonevent, mostly because each year I stresses out over, how much soil I in the situation its becomes, to be covered, and it is never enough. Like that this year, which looks I into the cloth, before the complete thing movie/nonevent even and saw only some films.In different messages began, like the balls threw, is this year pretty much starless. I must say, much, while I admire its convictions, the sight of Tina Fey einpfaehlend am completely seriously kind of shaking: I never saw it to do everything completely seriously.Yet to more film message: Upcoming schedule of the SIFF cinema is not enough marvelous to leave me scold for in the past there to keep frequent. I would like particularly me Billy get caught the kid and the conceited witness and if everyone liked to connect me, let me a line fall. I welcome always company.One more thing:Yikes.

Check this link too: download mp3 (

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